Your pool needs good circulation to keep the water clean. Good pool circulation helps your pool's sanitation system, your filter, and your added chemicals do their job. 

What Makes Good Circulation?
A good circulation system! A circulation system includes the skimmer(s), pump, filter, and return jets, and they all work together. If one part of this system breaks down, it affects everything else.


A pool circulation system draws water in through the skimmers and main drain by the pump. The water passes through the skimmer basket(s) and pump basket to prevent any large debris from getting to the pumps impeller. Pressure created by the impeller forces the water through to the filter and filters the remaining debris, after which the water is returned to the pool. ( You may have a sanitation system or heater for the water to pass through before being returned to the pool.) This process of collection, treatment, and return of water are repeated over and over to ensure that the water stays clean and safe.

The main engine of the pool circulation system is the pump, and good pool circulation starts here. Investing in a good pump is important if you want your pool to have the right circulation, and pumps have come a long way. If your pool has a single-speed pump, it's going to run at a higher speed than it needs to which consumes a lot of unnecessary energy. These days a variable speed pump is a no-brainer. The efficiency of the motor and the ability to set the speed to what your pool requires will not only result in good pool circulation but significant savings in your energy costs.

After the pump, the filter is the second most important part of the circulation system. While the skimmer and pump basket remove the large debris, the filter can remove tiny impurities like residues from lotion and sunscreen, tiny bits of algae, and dust, etc.

If you want to learn more about the different types of filters, check out this post: What Are the Different Types of Pool Filters?

The turnover rate is the amount of time in hours it takes for the pump and filter to cycle the total volume of water in the pool in one cycle. For your water to be properly disinfected and filtered, the entire volume of pool water needs to pass through the pump and filter at least three to four times per day. To accomplish this, your pump needs to be set to the correct flow rate, which is based on the size of your pool.

You need to know the flow rate for your pool to ensure proper circulation and to enable you to optimize your pump speed for the specific size of your pool. You find the flow rate by taking the volume of your pool in gallons and dividing that by your desired turnover rate, preferably six to eight hours. Divide that number by 60 to find the GPM (minimum gallons per minute) flow rate needed to achieve the desired turn over rate. 

note: If this is getting a little too deep in calculations, contact us! We are Service Professionals and can make sure you have the information you need about your pool.  AND we can determine what the healthy flow rate is for your pool. 301-972-3800

After the water passes through the pump and filter, it is pushed back into the pool through the return jets. Most return jets have an adjustable "eye" that lets you direct the flow of water. To help the water circulate within the pool, point your return jets away from the skimmer and down about eight o'clock.

It doesn't matter how many return jets you have there will always be dead spots. Dead spots are areas in your pool where the water is not circulating. Common dead spots are behind ladders and near pool steps.

When brushing your pool, pay close attention to the dead spots. These spots are more susceptible to algae and tiny debris. Brushing will help loosen the debris before it can build up.

To have good circulation, you need a good circulation system. If there are problems with any one of the components of the system, everything else will be affected. One of the best things you can do as a pool owner is to pay attention and learn about your pool and its equipment. But hey if you're just not into that and prefer to focus on enjoying your pool, we are here to help. Your Pool Is Our Business, and we will keep it in prime condition. 


